Here are actual quotes from the AFSL owners we interviewed during a series of focus groups we conducted to reveal their operational dilemmas: "We don’t really know what our advisors are doing." "We struggle with operational scale." "Our …
Financial Service Product Providers
Advice Risk Management – Joining The Dots Between Professional Indemnity Insurance And Risk
Continuing with our PI insurance and risk theme, this article will join the dots between advice risk management and PI. Outlining the relationship between advice complaints and PI claims enables you to single out the risks that must be mitigated if …
Can AFSL Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance Premiums Be Reduced With Scale?
Why PI Premiums Are Rising? Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance Premiums for Australian Financial Services License holders (AFSLs) and their Authorised Representatives (ARs) have escalated enormously in recent years. This is largely due to the …
It’s Easy Monitor’s 5th Birthday Today
Easy Monitor's Journey People are not aware that our 5 years of Easy Monitor was preceded by 3 years of research, development, building, testing, failing, retesting and re-failing. Building software is truly a test of endurance, but …
What Happens If You Enhance Your AFSL Performance?
This question is actually better answered by you. What happens if you can oversee your Advisor operations on a dashboard, in as close to real time as possible; without a site visit? What happens if you improve your AFSL operational …
There’s No Hiding From Risk for AFSL’s
Ignorance is Bliss... Remember as a child, when any perceived risk or danger could be overcome by covering your eyes? Thinking pleasant things also worked a treat for removing any fear of impending doom. Even as an adult, drawing on that …
Counteract Cyber Castastrophies
When Financial Advisors and their AFSL Groups think of security for their clients, traditionally their minds focus on security of investment capital, performance and their client’s financial future. However, in this internet age, communications …
New Status-quo for AFSLs – Free Blueprint Download
It's not easy for Australian Financial Services Licensees (AFSLs) to manage Financial Planners. Recent changes to group earning methods and added legislative burden has hit AFSLs hard with most reporting 'barely breaking-even' on their ASIC FS70 …